On How Do They Do It?
“I love your found footage films so much.” JD, filmmaker/curator.
“blew me away…poignant [and] heart-achy.” KO, art historian.
“It’s a great piece.” ZV, curator.
On I Am Learning to Abandon the World
"It's beautiful. I think it is my favorite of your films." RR, filmmaker.
"…wonderful…"CC, curator.
“A strong and focused work.” PD, artist.
"I wanted to tell you I loved your film in the Sondheim Semi-Finalist exhibit at MICA. I thought it was poetic and moving and funny... and I spent a lot of time with it.” CO, artist.
“The work is excellent, of course.” AW, curator.
“Willfully perverse…[it exhibits the] self-awareness of walking through tunnel vision and turning it around into something aggressive.” MB, filmmaker.
“A full-fledged spiritual statement.” EL, consultant.
On One Storey
"It was a privilege to show your poignant and poetic work." PF, curator.
"It is gorgeous and thick." CT, curator.
"Stunningly beautiful--the best film of the year! Marguerite Duras, Chantal Ackerman & Chris Marker had a love child..." RR, filmmaker.
"Astounding... absolutely wonderful." CH, curator.
“Stunning.” HC, artist.
“I was riveted.” KO, art historian.
“Powerful and defiant.” DZ, artist.
On Object Loss
"Congratulations on a great film." NM, SFIAAF.
"…excellent…." VS, filmmaker.
On Dream of Me
"It's a wonderful film, really one of my highlights this year." CY, curator.
"...absolutely stunning and inspiring." BI, filmmaker.
"We are so happy to be able to present your work. It is incredibly poetic." HK, curator.
"I really really loved your film." KN, filmmaker.
"It is a great film. I love the way you layer everything--very powerful--and the footage looked amazing." GM, curator.
"I found your film really beautiful as well." RT, filmmaker.
“Heartbreaking.” KP, filmmaker.
“…i have been meaning to write you. to tell you how much i liked your film. i mean it. it is the best new work i have seen. CINEMA! everything about it truly moving and amazing. makes me wish i am eye was still going so i could show it too…again i loved it to me it is what movies are all about.” PB, filmmaker/curator.
On my earlier films
"...complex, haunting... absorbing, dense." KG, curator, Pacific Film Archives.
"…sublime…" CY, filmmaker.
"[demonstrates the] impossibilities of locating a sexual identity." CF, artist.
"I think it is at once smart and personally (or emotionally) honest. It's nice to see the optical printer used with such clear purpose." BB, filmmaker.
“What a creative wonder you are—the beautiful unfolding of your experiments in the optical printer, one after another. Your work definitely strikes a chord in me — we are on the same or similar paths." BH, filmmaker.
"Okay, I just have to say, I'm sitting here watching all the submissions for OA again trying to figure out an order and I really, really love your film. I don't know if it is because I am a romantic at heart, or rather, of course I know but sometimes I'm embarrassed, but this film is gorgeous." CT, curator.
"I was profoundly moved." JC, film critic.
"It unleashes a lot of demons if they are there to be unleashed." MR, producer.
“You do longing on screen better than anyone I’ve seen. I was blown away.” DC, artist.
“As a time-based art juror, I personally would like to express how impressed we were with the quality of your films.” AP, artist/curator.